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Statutory Rape Laws in New Jersey

Statutory Rape Laws in New Jersey: Understanding the Complex Legal Landscape


Statutory rape laws serve as a crucial component of our legal system to protect minors from sexual exploitation and abuse. In New Jersey, as in many other states, these laws are designed to maintain the delicate balance between consensual relationships and the prevention of sexual misconduct involving minors. This article explores the statutory rape laws in New Jersey, shedding light on their intricacies, enforcement, and the potential consequences for those involved.

Defining Statutory Rape

Statutory rape refers to sexual activity between an adult and a minor who is below the age of consent, even if the minor agrees to engage in the activity. In New Jersey, the age of consent is 16 years old. This means that individuals aged 16 and older are considered legally capable of providing their consent to engage in sexual activity with another person.

However, New Jersey’s statutory rape laws are not as straightforward as they may initially seem. There are several important factors to consider when evaluating the legality of sexual activity involving minors in the state.

Age of Consent

As mentioned earlier, the age of consent in New Jersey is 16 years old. This means that individuals who are 16 or older can legally engage in sexual activity with others who are also 16 or older. Any sexual activity between individuals aged 16 or older is generally considered consensual and legal.

However, when an adult engages in sexual activity with a minor under the age of 16, regardless of whether the minor consents, it may be considered statutory rape under New Jersey law.

Age Difference Matters

New Jersey statutory rape laws also take into account the age difference between the parties involved. If the adult is more than four years older than the minor, they can be charged with a more serious offense. This distinction is important because it can impact the severity of the penalties that an individual may face if convicted.

For example, if an 18-year-old has sexual relations with a 15-year-old, the age difference is three years, and the offense is considered less severe than if the age difference were greater. However, if a 20-year-old engages in sexual activity with a 15-year-old, the age difference is five years, which could lead to more severe consequences.

Consent Does Not Matter

One crucial aspect of New Jersey’s statutory rape laws is that they do not take into account whether the minor consented to the sexual activity. Even if the minor willingly participated in the activity, the law still deems it illegal if the minor is under the age of consent.

This approach is intended to protect minors from potential exploitation or manipulation by adults who may have the power to influence their decisions.

Penalties for Statutory Rape

New Jersey imposes strict penalties for individuals convicted of statutory rape. The severity of the penalties depends on various factors, including the age of the minor, the age difference between the parties, and the specific circumstances of the case.

Generally, statutory rape is classified as a second-degree crime in New Jersey when the adult is at least four years older than the minor. A second-degree crime in New Jersey can carry a sentence of between five and ten years in prison and a fine of up to $150,000.

However, in cases involving a minor who is under the age of 13, the crime is upgraded to a first-degree crime, which is the most serious category of offenses in the state. A conviction for first-degree statutory rape can result in a prison sentence ranging from 10 to 20 years, with a potential fine of up to $200,000.

Additionally, individuals convicted of statutory rape in New Jersey may be required to register as sex offenders under Megan’s Law, which mandates public registration and notification of convicted sex offenders.

Defenses in Statutory Rape Cases

While statutory rape laws in New Jersey are stringent, there are certain defenses that may be available to those accused of these crimes. It’s essential to consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney to explore potential defenses that may apply to your specific case.

Some common defenses in statutory rape cases may include:

1. Age of Consent: If the defendant and the minor are both of legal age to consent to sexual activity, there may be no statutory rape case to answer to.

2. Mistaken Age: If the defendant reasonably believed that the minor was of legal age based on their appearance, identification, or other factors, this could be a valid defense.

3. No Sexual Activity: If the prosecution cannot prove that sexual activity took place, there may be grounds for a defense.

4. False Accusations: In some cases, false accusations or misunderstandings may lead to wrongful accusations of statutory rape.

5. Romeo and Juliet Exception: Some states, including New Jersey, have enacted “Romeo and Juliet” exceptions that provide leniency for consensual sexual activity between two minors close in age. Consultation with an attorney is crucial to determine whether this exception applies to your case.

Reporting and Mandatory Reporting Laws

In New Jersey, there are also laws that require certain individuals and professionals to report suspected cases of child abuse or neglect, including cases of statutory rape. Failure to report such suspicions can result in legal consequences for those required to report.

Mandatory reporters typically include teachers, healthcare professionals, social workers, and law enforcement personnel, among others. These individuals must report any knowledge or suspicion of child abuse or neglect, including instances of statutory rape, to the appropriate authorities.

These reporting requirements are in place to ensure that instances of child abuse and exploitation are promptly addressed, and that vulnerable minors receive the necessary protection and support.

Impact on the Accused and the Victim

Statutory rape cases can have profound and lasting impacts on both the accused and the victim. For the accused, a conviction can lead to incarceration, fines, and the requirement to register as a sex offender. This can significantly limit future educational and employment opportunities and result in social stigma.

On the other hand, victims of statutory rape may experience emotional and psychological trauma that can affect their well-being for years to come. It is essential for victims to receive appropriate support and counseling to cope with the aftermath of such incidents.

Moreover, these cases can strain families, communities, and law enforcement agencies as they navigate the legal process and its implications.


Statutory rape laws in New Jersey are designed to protect minors from sexual exploitation and abuse. While the age of consent is 16 in the state, there are complex factors that determine the legality of sexual activity involving minors. These laws aim to strike a balance between consensual relationships and the protection of vulnerable individuals.

Individuals accused of statutory rape in New Jersey face serious legal consequences, including imprisonment and registration as sex offenders. Therefore, it is essential to consult with experienced legal professionals to understand the specific circumstances of a case and explore potential defenses.

Additionally, it is crucial for mandatory reporters to be aware of their responsibilities to report suspected cases of child abuse or neglect, including statutory rape, to ensure that minors receive the necessary protection and support.

Ultimately, statutory rape laws in New Jersey are a reflection of society’s commitment to safeguarding the welfare of minors, but their enforcement requires careful consideration of the unique circumstances that each case presents.

In New Jersey, statutory rape is defined as sexual activity between an adult and a person below the state’s age of consent. This is a serious crime that carries harsh penalties, including imprisonment and sex offender registration. The laws surrounding statutory rape in New Jersey are designed to protect minors from sexual exploitation and abuse.

The statutes governing statutory rape in New Jersey are found under Title 2C of the New Jersey Code of Criminal Justice. Specifically, these laws can be found in sections 2C:14-2 and 2C:14-3.

Under 2C:14-2, sexual assault occurs when a person engages in sexual contact with another person or causes another person to engage in sexual contact, without that person’s consent. If the person engaging in sexual contact is an adult and the other person is a minor, the crime is considered statutory rape.

The age of consent in New Jersey is 16 years old. This means that any sexual activity between an adult and a person under the age of 16 is considered statutory rape, regardless of whether the minor consented to the activity. It is important to note that even if a minor claims to have consented to the activity, the law does not recognize a minor’s consent as valid.

Under 2C:14-3, aggravated sexual assault occurs when a person engages in sexual activity with a minor under the age of 13. This is a more serious offense than statutory rape and carries even harsher penalties, including a mandatory minimum prison sentence of 25 years.

It is important to understand that these laws apply to all sexual activity between an adult and a minor under the age of consent, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. In addition to jail time and sex offender registration, those convicted of statutory rape in New Jersey may also face fines, community service, and probation.

Furthermore, New Jersey has a “Romeo and Juliet” law that allows for a minor to engage in sexual activity with someone up to four years older than them, as long as the minor is at least 13 years old and the other person is not in a position of authority or trust over the minor.

It is important for individuals to understand the laws and regulations surrounding statutory rape in New Jersey in order to better protect themselves and others. In cases where there may be uncertainty about the age of the other person, it is always advisable to check their identification.

What are the Societal Effects of Prostitution

What are the Societal Effects of Prostitution

Prostitution strongly affect communities. Some argue that prostitution affects the community by contributing to the objectification of women. Men who participate in buying a prostitute view women as mere sex objects and not human beings. This terrible attitude towards women accounts for the high incidence of violence and murder perpetrated against prostitutes. This antisocial macho persona is typically defined by the all-too common illegal urban occupation of the pimp. 
The pimp does not respect the agency of his female employees. He is only interested in the money they can produce for him. Since he provides “protection” for his prostitutes, the pimp feels that the power dynamic in the employee and employer relationship is skewed in his favor. He then mercilessly wields his power with physically, sexually, and emotionally abusive methods to “discipline” what he believes to be bad behavior on part of the prostitute.
The relationship between a pimp and his prostitution is an unsavory form of power abuse whose disproportionate authority is strengthened by the illegal nature of their respective roles in society. The life of a prostitute is a not a comfortable one. 
The street poses many dangers to a prostitute as prostitutes are also subject to violence from their clients who feel empowered by the fact that prostitutes are considered part of the lower echelons of society. Unfortunately, due to the illegality of prostitution and the vicious perpetual cycle of poverty and abuse, the public tends to be indifferent and apathetic towards the welfare of prostitutes.
The entire life of the average prostitute can be summed up in two words: alienation and exploitation. Many prostitutes have felt dis-empowered and alienated from society and their parents all their lives. Many prostitutes are the project of abusive homes which they  runaway from and are not legally qualified to work in any legitimate industry.They ultimately resort to prostitution as a means of getting by.
This history of abuse increases the likelihood of substance abuse and this fortifies a person’s role in society as a prostitute. Pimps take advantage of the prostitute’s situation and exploit them for most of their money. There is no such thing as union organizing for prostitutes as their would be serious violence in retribution for their “insubordinate” behavior. The prostitution industry is ultimate expression of the free market without the rule of law when the power is determined by the use of force against the weakest and most vulnerable members of society.
Society has basically given up on eliminating prostitution. Therefore, in most major cities around the world, there are neighborhoods where prostitution is concentrated. Society drives prostitution into one part of town where prostitution can go “unseen” during the hours of the night. 
These neighborhoods were typically laden with existing street crime and poverty before the introduction of prostitution. It is a bad part of town. The most famous of these urban districts is Amsterdam’s Red Light District. In fact, the term “red light district” has become the generic term for any urban neighborhood notorious for its high concentration of prostitution. London, New York, and Paris are famous for their own “red light districts.”
Some of the most infamous serial killers exclusively preyed on prostitutes because of society’s relative indifference to them. Most infamous among these serial killers was Jack-the-Ripper who terrorized the streets of Victorian London in the 19th century. 
The London police never solved the Jack-the-Ripper murder cases, some scholars argue that this did not happen because of society’s indifference to the welfare of prostitutes. Persons who are generally regarded as a member of the lower echelons of society are generally considered to possess less rights than those of the societal mainstream. The brunt of social stigma of prostitution is generally placed on the prostitute because she is the most visible actor in the industry.
The law recognizes the human rights of every individual because justice is blind to the differences of people. The law protects prostitutes from violent crimes committed against them. However, the law fails to prevent prostitutes from engaging in the risky behavior in the first place. The law can only punish someone after the fact. The law is fair on prostitution, it is illegal because it has so many social consequences ranging from higher incidences of poverty, drug abuse, violence, and sexually transmitted disease. 
Attitudes in law enforcement and the general public have reoriented themselves towards punishing the pimp and client due to their potential to harm prostitutes. The law still punishes prostitutes for their illegal activity but is not as harsh due to the unfortunate nature of their role in society.

A Legal Guide to Prostitution

A Legal Guide to Prostitution

Prostitution is commonly known as the one of the oldest “professions” known to man. It seems that once civilization emerged after the neolithic agricultural revolution of the eighth millennium before the common era, there were archaeological and written records of prostitution. The background and history of prostitution is long with shifting attitudes towards the profession throughout all recorded history. Political and social attitudes towards sexuality, women, and infectious disease shaped societies responses to prostitution. Laws on prostitution are almost as old as the profession itself.  
Even in young civilizations, like the United States, social and political attitudes towards prostitution have gone through dramatic changes. In the United States, prostitution has always been illegal but it has gone through periods of tolerance and intolerance over the last 230 some odd years of American independence. Wars, technology, and science have been factors that shifted the public attitude towards prostitution. Prostitution’s background in the United States is a bipolar story of how law does not always fit the public perception of a human activity.
Prostitution laws exist at the local, state, and federal levels of jurisdiction and governance. Prostitution laws, at each level, apply according to the general rules of jurisdiction as enumerated in the Constitution of the United States and the state law of each state of the Union. 
Prostitution is illegal in every state in the country with the exception of a few counties in the State of Nevada. These states have legalized and regulated the commercial sex industry to gain revenues and conduct an experiment in social libertarianism. These 9 counties in the state of Nevada have strict regulations on the commercial sex trade and prostitution can only be legally done within the confines of brothels. Brothels are an institution in which prostitution services are offered.
The federal level of prostitution law controls cases that cross international and state boundaries. Federal law prohibits the importation of persons for the purpose of prostitution. Federal law sees this practice as a form of human trafficking. Human trafficking is the forceful enslavement of people from one territory to another for the purposes of involuntary labor. 
The connection between illegal prostitution and human trafficking is clear as most human trafficking cases involve the forced importation of people for the purpose of prostitution. Federal anti-human trafficking laws apply to involuntary servitude in other industries as well. Other common industries in which people are forced to work are factories, restaurants, and agriculture.
The prostitution of children is a widespread problem in the United States and abroad. Child prostitution is the unlawful practice of selling children, under 18, for the sexual gratification of customers. National statistical trends indicate an increased occurrence of this heinous crime because of its connection to human trafficking and the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Human trafficking victims are not only adults, they are children as well. Child prostitution mostly occurs indoors, off the streets, where prostitution is less visible. 
Organized crime syndicates and human trafficking networks operate child prostitution rings out of businesses that appear to be legitimate. Typically, these front-businesses are massage parlors and sex entertainment businesses. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is the leading law enforcement agency in the fight against child prostitution and human trafficking due to the international scope of these crimes. Local and State police departments are also capable of conducting investigation into this crime against children.
Child prostitution does not have to occur forcefully. Approximately, the average age at which a prostitute begins walking the streets is 15 years old in the United States. That means that many prostitutes who are now adults, began their work when they were underage. The increased incidence of child prostitution can also be explained as an unfortunate by-product of the AIDS epidemic. Some men falsely believe that they would be safer from HIV/AIDS infection if they solicited the sexual services of younger prostitutes.
Persons who are charged with prostitution face a variety of sentences. Prostitution related charges vary based on who is involved in the illegal commercial sex industry is being prosecuted as well as what services were agreed upon. The initiation of charges for prostitution only occurs after a transaction of money is made or agreed upon. 
Generally, being a prostitute or soliciting an adult prostitute is considered a misdemeanor offense. Prostitutes are often given lesser charges and judges try to provide services for the prostitute to reform his or her ways. Solicitors of prostitutes are also given a lighter sentence and fines provided that they do not solicit prostitution from a minor. Child prostitutes, who are caught, are placed into the custody of the state’s department of child protective services.
The law reserves the harshest sentencing and punishments for pimps and human traffickers. These people are notorious for their ruthless capacity to use violence and immoral methods of controlling their employees. Pimps use physical, sexual violence, and drug dependence as a means of controlling their prostitutes. 
They are individuals who are only interested in taking most of the money that prostitutes earn. Pimps are a product of the effects of prostitution on society. They are the quintessence of society’s indifference and hostility towards prostitutes who are the victims of countless cycles of abuse. Pimps and prostitutes are a symbol of the urban decay that plagues the landscape of the largest cities in the United States.
Statistics on prostitution show how widespread of a social problem that illegal prostitution is. Statistics; however, cannot account for the true extent of the problem due to the secretive nature of what goes on the red light districts of large American cities across the United States. 
Nevertheless, they can point out; in an empirical sense, the repercussions of failed public and law enforcement policies. Statistics can serve to improve the government’s policies on prostitution to eradicate the social effects of prostitution on  prostitutes and communities across the country.

What are the Prostitution Laws in the US

What are the Prostitution Laws in the US

Protecting Our Future: Child Pornography Laws and their Crucial Role in Ensuring Child Safety


Child pornography is a dark and distressing issue that continues to plague society, exploiting the innocence of children and leaving a long-lasting scar on their lives. To combat this heinous crime and protect our children, lawmakers worldwide have enacted stringent child pornography laws. These laws are essential in safeguarding children and ensuring their well-being. This article explores the significance of child pornography laws, their evolution, and their role in keeping children safe.

Understanding Child Pornography

Child pornography is the production, distribution, or possession of explicit images or videos involving minors engaged in sexual activities. These images can range from explicit photographs to videos, and their creation and circulation are a grave violation of a child’s rights and privacy.

1. The Evolution of Child Pornography Laws

Child pornography laws have evolved significantly over the years in response to changing societal norms and technological advancements. Historically, child pornography was not addressed adequately by legal systems, leading to insufficient protection for children. However, as awareness grew and the internet emerged as a platform for exploitation, governments worldwide recognized the need for comprehensive legislation.

A. Early Efforts

The initial efforts to combat child pornography primarily focused on punishing the producers and distributors of explicit material. These early laws laid the foundation for addressing child exploitation but often did not consider the plight of the victims themselves.

B. The Impact of Technological Advancements

With the rise of the internet, child pornography took on a new dimension. The ease of sharing and accessing explicit content online led to a surge in cases. Lawmakers had to adapt quickly to confront this challenge. Consequently, child pornography laws began to encompass not only the producers and distributors but also those who possessed and viewed such material.

C. International Collaboration

Child pornography is a global problem, and international cooperation became essential to combat its proliferation. The United Nations, along with various regional organizations, introduced conventions and treaties to facilitate cross-border efforts against child exploitation. One notable example is the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution, and Child Pornography, adopted in 2000.

2. Key Components of Child Pornography Laws

Child pornography laws typically include several crucial components to address the multifaceted nature of the problem.

A. Age of Consent

One fundamental aspect is defining the age of consent. Laws clearly state that explicit material involving minors below a certain age is illegal. This age varies by jurisdiction but is typically set at 18 years old.

B. Production and Distribution

Child pornography laws target not only the creators of explicit content but also those who distribute or share it. This discourages the creation of such material in the first place and curbs its circulation.

C. Possession

Possessing child pornography is a crime in many jurisdictions. This provision is essential in preventing individuals from stockpiling explicit content involving minors.

D. Online Safety Measures

To combat the online dissemination of child pornography, many countries have enacted laws that require internet service providers (ISPs) and platforms to report and remove such content promptly.

3. The Role of Child Pornography Laws in Child Safety

Child pornography laws play a pivotal role in ensuring the safety and protection of children. Here are some ways in which they contribute to this crucial goal:

A. Deterrence

Child pornography laws act as a deterrent, discouraging individuals from engaging in the production, distribution, or possession of explicit material involving minors. The threat of severe legal consequences dissuades potential offenders.

B. Victim Support

Modern child pornography laws recognize that the victims of these crimes are often scarred for life. They provide support mechanisms such as counseling, therapy, and compensation to help survivors recover and rebuild their lives.

C. Educational Initiatives

Many countries have introduced educational programs to raise awareness about child pornography and its consequences. These initiatives inform parents, children, and communities about the dangers and signs of exploitation.

D. International Collaboration

Child pornography is a transnational issue, and effective measures require international cooperation. Child pornography laws facilitate collaboration between countries in tracking and prosecuting offenders.

E. Technological Advances

As technology continues to evolve, child pornography laws adapt to address emerging challenges. For example, some laws now encompass deepfake technology and virtual exploitation to stay ahead of offenders.

4. Challenges in Enforcing Child Pornography Laws

While child pornography laws are vital for child safety, they are not without challenges:

A. Jurisdictional Issues

The global nature of the internet makes it challenging to enforce child pornography laws effectively. Offenders can easily move content across borders, exploiting legal gaps.

B. Technological Complexity

Advancements in technology, such as encryption and anonymization tools, make it difficult to trace and prosecute offenders online.

C. Stigmatization of Victims

Despite efforts to protect victims, survivors of child pornography may still face stigma and discrimination, hindering their recovery.

D. Resources and Funding

Enforcing child pornography laws requires substantial resources, including trained personnel, technology, and legal infrastructure. Many countries struggle to allocate sufficient funding for this purpose.


Child pornography laws are indispensable in protecting children from exploitation and abuse. They have evolved over the years to address the challenges posed by changing societal norms and technological advancements. These laws play a pivotal role in deterring offenders, supporting victims, and raising awareness about the issue. However, enforcing child pornography laws remains a complex and ongoing challenge that requires international cooperation, technological adaptation, and continued advocacy for child safety. As we look towards the future, it is essential to remain vigilant in our efforts to protect the most vulnerable members of our society – our children.

Prostitution is illegal in all jurisdictions in the United States with the exception of a few counties in Nevada where the commercial sex trade is legal. There are federal, state, and local laws that regulate prostitution activities based on the confined rules of jurisdiction.

Federal prostitution laws apply when prostitution involves a non-citizen alien or crosses international or state boundaries. Under Federal law, the importation of people for the purposes of prostitution is illegal and considered a form of human trafficking prohibited by federal code and the 13th Amendment of US Constitution.

Any instances of prostitution on federal property, such as a military base, also fall within the jurisdiction of the federal government, including overseas military bases. Anyone who takes a prostitute across state lines to in illegal prostitution will be subject to federal prostitution charges. Anyone with a history of prostitution on their criminal record will be denied employment in the federal government.

At the state level, rural states tend to have the strictest prostitution laws, whereas urban states tend to have more lenient prostitution laws. This generalization regarding state prostitution laws apply only to laws pertaining to the punishment of prostitutes and solicitors of prostitution, colloquially known as Johns.

Many states have higher penalties and sentences for repeat offenders of prostitution and soliciting prostitution. The most serious prostitution laws are reserved for pimps. Human traffickers who import people for the purpose of prostitution labor will be brought on federal charges.


Local jurisdictions such as counties and municipalities can add ordinances onto to existing statutes (state laws), depending on the nature of the states’ own constitutions). Prostitution laws in the State of Nevada gave each county the liberty to decide on the legality of prostitution within the sovereign boundaries of their county. Currently in the state of Nevada, there are 9 out of 17 counties that have legalized prostitution with strict regulations.

The governments of these counties charge large fees to brothel owners. They also stipulate that prostitutes in the legal brothels must be tested for sexually transmitted infection frequently. Unprotected sex is illegal in these brothels as well. Some Nevada county government left the question of prostitution up to the municipalities. In Clark County, whose largest city is Las Vegas, prostitution laws kept prostitution illegal within its borders. Prostitution outside of brothels is still illegal statewide but is considered a misdemeanor.

Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is the unlawful taking of individuals for the purposes of forced servitude. Human trafficking is done for purposes of forced labor in factories, restaurants, sweatshops, and even on the streets as prostitutes. Human trafficking is a heinous crime that is not only against the law but violates a person’s innate human rights. It is a crime that is nearly limitless in the scope of its evil nature. Human trafficking for the purposes of forced prostitution is considered one of the worst forms of prostitution. Human trafficking is essentially a form of enslavement and is thus prohibited by the 13th Amendment of the United States Constitution. 
Any case of alleged human trafficking must be handled by the Federal Bureau of investigation because it is a violation of federal law, a law for which many Americans died for its establishment in the American Civil War. Human trafficking is a crime that the federal government takes very seriously. Reducing prostitution is a means of reducing human trafficking because a significant proportion of the people forcibly taken as slaves are trafficked for the purpose of selling sex.
Human traffickers “recruit” women and men with fraudulent promises of a better life in the United States. They prey on people who want to emigrate illegally to the United States from all over the world because getting documentation from their home countries is difficult or not possible. Human trafficking victims pay a large sum of money to obtain safe passage to the United States. Many of these people are poor and do not have much money so they are forced into servitude to work off their debts. 
The traffickers never fulfill their side of the promise and use force to keep their human trafficking victims in involuntary servitude. The main types of labor that human trafficking victims take on are prostitution, domestic labor, restaurant work, and factory work. The greatest proportion of human trafficking victims are forced to work as prostitutes. This gives law enforcement more incentive to crack down on illegal prostitution because not all prostitutes willfully join their profession.
Many human traffickers also force children into sex slavery. Many of the children that law enforcement recovered were domestically kidnapped from many American states. Human trafficking has become both a national and international problem.
Cases of human trafficking have been reported in both rural and urban parts of the country. Urban areas of the country have a greater concentration of human trafficking, most notably the larger metropolitan areas like New York City, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas. Las Vegas has a greater degree of cases of human trafficking for prostitution due to its reputation for being a center of the illegal sex trade.
A police officer may disrupt a commercial sex transaction in what he or she may think would be a routine prostitution arrest and later find out some disturbing background information on a prostitute. Reducing prostitution on the streets of America’s largest cities will reduce the market for forced sex slavery. The connection between illegal prostitution and human trafficking is indisputable and is a priority of law enforcement.     

Child Prostitution Facts Overview

Child Prostitution Facts Overview

Child prostitution is a global problem whose story is a humanly tragic. Child prostitution is the illegal selling of sexual services from children under 18. Most child prostitutes are runaways that live on the streets. Being frequent victims of child abuse in their homes, these runaways escape the hostile environment in which they were raised. Also, many child prostitution victims are gay, lesbian, and transgender children who have fled their homes because their parents kicked them out for being different. The problem is that the streets are no more forgiving than their original homes. Many runaways are homeless and have no way to make enough money to get the most basic necessities to survive.
Their background makes them particularly susceptible to repeating cycles of child abuse. Most victims of child prostitution do not work independently. Their employers are human traffickers and merciless pimps only interested in keeping all or most of the money they receive as child prostitutes. The perpetual cycles of child abuse are fortified by their perverse clientele that seek sexual gratification from innocent children. Their lifestyles revolve around retributive physical and sexual violence for failing to comply with their condition of servitude. Any resistance is quashed by the abusive adults in their life, in turn, causing serious psychological damages. Many victims of child prostitution commit suicide or are murdered as a result of their perpetual psychological torment and child abuse.
Child prostitution is sometimes linked to criminal networks of human trafficking and organized crime. Human traffickers can make deceptive agreements with the children’s parents, thus forcing the kids into prostitution. Many of these children are children who have illegally emigrated to the United States with their parents. Human traffickers make false promises and charge extremely high fees for safe illegal entry into the United States; many parents and children are subsequently forced into servitude to pay off their debts to their new employers upon entry.
Child prostitution’s connection to organized crime is clear. Many legitimate business owned by national crime organizations use their facade of legitimacy as a front for illegal child prostitution. A large number of these businesses are massage parlors, escort services, and strip clubs. Child prostitutes are also commonly found in tourist destinations, at major sporting and cultural events, or simply on the streets of major cities across the United States. Child prostitution victims can be as young as 10 years old to as old as 17 years old. The average age of a child prostitute is 15 years old.
Child prostitution is not legally tolerated in most countries. Many countries have differing opinions on adult prostitution but child prostitution is unacceptable to most inhabitants of the world and the United States. The social toll that child prostitution takes on the entire community is tragic. Look no further than the streets of the any major city in the world; it is not as clandestine as one would think. 
According to Russian newspaper, Pravda, there are 40,000 underage prostitutes in Venezuela, 25,000 in the Dominican Republic, 100,000 in Taiwan, 200,000 in Canada, and 300,000 to 600,000 in the United States of America. Those numbers are not acceptable in the least bit and child prostitution should be a priority of law enforcement world-wide. Most large metropolitan areas have specialized task forces dedicated to reducing both adult and child prostitution. In the United States, approximately 40% of adult prostitutes began their illegal careers when they were underage.    

How Can Prostitution Be Charged In Court?

How Can Prostitution Be Charged In Court?

Prostitution, in the United States, is illegal with the exception of a few counties in Nevada. Prostitution charges target all participants in a typical prostitution transaction. Prostitution charges can be brought against the provider of services (the prostitute), the buyers (colloquially known as the “John”) and the middleman (the pimp).
Police are allowed to perform sting operations to combat illegal prostitution on the streets. Sting operations are used to bring prostitution charges against the person attempting to buy sexual services from an undercover police officer posing as a prostitute. Prostitution charges result in arrest, temporary placement in jail for the duration of processing. 
After processing, prostitution charges for attempted buyers of commercial sexual services will typically lead to fines of $100 to $250. Persons who frequently get caught soliciting a prostitute will have higher fines. Major metropolitan areas tend to take solicitors of prostitutes more lightly due to the large extent of the problem. In addition to fines, judges often sentence persons charged with the crime of soliciting a prostitute to six months of unsupervised probation as long there are not any arrests after the initial arrest.
Prostitution charges are categorized by what sexual practice or sexual practices were negotiated or took place. They are placed into two general groups: sexual intercourse and deviant sexual intercourse or touching– basically any other sexual contact that does not involve vaginal intercourse. These different types of prostitution charges can determine the severity of fines and sentencing. Charges are not brought against anyone involved in prostitution until the exchange of money, property, or favors in return for sex are agreed are agreed upon by both parties.
Charges may also be brought against the prostitutes and the pimps. Prostitutes are typically given the least harsh of punishments because of their generally unfortunate situation. Prostitutes are usually back on the streets in a period of 48 hours after prostitution charges are brought. In large cities, prostitutes are often booked on charges of public nuisance due to the high cost of incarceration for legitimate prostitution.
Prostitution charges for pimps are more serious. Many jurisdictions consider pimping a felony offense with minimum prison sentences at stake if found guilty. Persons charged with pimping anyone under the age of 17 will be taken more serious as they are purveyors of child prostitution. The law does not take kindly to pimps because they are reputed to be physical and sexual abusers. They often take an unfair proportion of his prostitutes’ earnings. Prostitution charges related to pimping are worse when the arrests were made near places where children typically convene like schools, churches, and public parks. 
Those charged with human trafficking with the intent of selling commercial sex are regarded as the most heinous of prostitution related criminals. Human trafficking is the illegal taking of people for the purpose of forced labor. The most common type labor in human trafficking is prostitution work. The law reserves the very serious charges for human traffickers because it is a violation of federal law. Persons charged with trafficking are subject to significant time in prison and very hefty fines.

Molestation Statistics You Must Know

Molestation Statistics You Must Know

At first glance, child molestation statistics can be eye-opening and surprising. Child molestation statistics prove that more underage girls are subject to sexual abuse than boys. The number almost doubles for girls in comparison with boys. The majority of all molestation cases are committed against those under the age of eighteen, and many molestation cases are never finished. This is because children are often terrified of the situation and do not wish to pursue a molestation charge.
Child molestation statistics show that half of all sexual abuse cases occur between familiar parties. Abusers usually know the children they are molesting, and have a relationship with them that often appears credible. This fact is why it is hard to detect molestations. 
Child molestation also occurs within religious realms. Many cases in recent history have occurred within the Catholic church, where molestation has been ignored or under reported in the past. These credible relationships can be those within a family, or educational setting. Additionally, the abuser can be a family friend. When a person is trusted, they become the last person anyone suspects to commit such a horrible crime.
Child molestation statistics state that the average age in which child molestation occurs is nine years. Most children of this age will not admit when they have been victims of sexual abuse. However, children are not known to cry wolf either. The majority of sexual abuse cases that are reported are truthful in nature. Adults have been known to be fraudulent in reporting sexual molestation and abuse. 
Child molestation statistics support the notion that eating disorders, depression, headaches, and other physical problems stem from sexual abuse. Most children need therapy or counseling of some sort after going through such situations. Therapy can be the key to avoiding drug problems, and behavioral issues among minors. 
Child molesters usually molest more than one child in a lifetime. Serial molesters do exist and can have hundreds of victims. Statistics are used to help enforcement and families design new ways to prevent sexual abuse. Additionally, they make people aware of the risk that exists for their children to be harmed. Families aware of the staggering statistics may choose to better prepare their children for potential abuse situations.

Defendants Added to Savannah Sex Trafficking Indictment

Defendants Added to Savannah Sex Trafficking Indictment

A sex trafficking ring that preyed on Mexican women hoping for a better life in the United States was shut down by a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement investigation.  Thirteen defendants were added to the indictment last week, bringing the total number of defendants in the case to 25.

The investigation, dubbed “Operation Dark Night,” was designed to rescue women who had been targeted in a sex trafficking scheme that spanned from Mexico to the Carolinas.  A dozen women have already been freed as a result of Operation Dark Night, and others may still be freed as the investigation and arrests continue.

According to investigators, the sex trafficking ring was used to move the women around frequently—as often as once a week—to prevent them from knowing where they were or escaping.  Women were raped as often as 30 times per day during their sexual slavery, and were prostituted in mobile home parks and hotel rooms throughout the Southern United States.  This ring, specifically, focused on small towns.

Typically, the women being prostituted by the traffickers would have all their possessions in a small room, no more than 10 by 12 feet.  Usually, these possessions amounted to little more than a worn mattress, clothing, and a mirror.

The defendants in the case have also been accused of using threats and coercion to make sure that the women stayed under their control.  Some of the women reported that their children were held hostage in Mexico by the sex traffickers, and that they were told if they refused to cooperate, their children would be killed or sold into sexual slavery.

Operation Dark Night was considered particularly difficult, because the women were located in so many different locations.  The raids had to be coordinated precisely to avoid tipping off traffickers still holding women at other locations.  If one house had been raided even slightly early, alarms might have gone off, alerting people to the police and scattering them to safehouses before they could be apprehended.

In order to ensure that women's immigration status is not an issue during sex trafficking cases, women who have been the victims of sex crimes are given special temporary visas that enable them to stay in the United States without fear of deportation. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is engaged in investigations of sex trafficking rings throughout the United States, especially those that involve women being trafficked across national borders.

Source: fbi.gov

Kentucky House Passes Anti-Trafficking Bill Unanimously

 Kentucky House Passes Anti-Trafficking Bill Unanimously

Victims of sex trafficking would no longer be punished and charged with prostitution, but would instead receive social services and treatment, according to the provisions of a law passed by the Kentucky House of Representatives this week.  The bill, which passed 95-0, is intended to make it easier to combat human trafficking in the state of Kentucky.

Over 150 calls reporting sex trafficking incidents in Kentucky were made to the National Human Trafficking Hotline.  Over 100 victims of sex trafficking received services from a single private Catholic charity in Louisville.  Yet in spite of these numbers, fewer than 20 total cases have been filed in the state of Kentucky since 2008.  The vast majority of these cases involved women trafficked by relatives.  Women who were trafficked, instead of receiving help, were more often arrested and jailed for prostitution offenses.

Much of the problem, according to several state lawmakers, comes from a lack of education and training in police departments about how to successfully identify what sex trafficking looks like.  With so much emphasis on arresting prostitutes and their clientele, many police departments lose sight of the fact that the prostitutes being arrested may not have been selling their bodies willingly.

The new law includes provisions that would allocate funding for police training on trafficking issues.  After receiving training, police should be better able to identify trafficking victims and prosecute their traffickers.

If the bill becomes law, sex traffickers will face a $10,000 fine in addition to having to pay back any financial gains from their sex trafficking activities.  They would also be required to forfeit any houses or other property that had been used for illegal trafficking activities, from prostitution to moving trafficked women.  Any money from traffickers would be put into a fund that would benefit victims, including providing social services and assistance with re-entering normal life outside of prostitution.

While the unanimous passage of the bill in the Kentucky House gives anti-trafficking advocates a reason to be hopeful about its chances, it hasn't yet passed the last hurdle.  Last time a similar bill was passed in the House, the Kentucky Senate allowed the bill to die in committee.  Now that the House has voted in favor of the bill, the Senate will take a look over the coming weeks.  It is expected that the bill will be signed by the governor if it makes it past the state Senate.

Source: ky.gov, courier-journal.com